

  • 毛建素著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:科学出版社
  • ISBN:9787030480286
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:374页
  • 文件大小:52MB
  • 文件页数:391页
  • 主题词:铅-有害元素-人为因素-社会流动-研究


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第一篇 铅元素人为循环3

第1章 多尺度铅元素人为循环分析:方法 The Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead:Ⅰ.Methodology3

1.1 Introduction3

1.2 Framing the Lead Cycle4

1.3 The Mining and Processing of Lead5

1.4 Lead Fabrication and Product Manufacture7

1.5 Lead Flow at the Use Stage12

1.6 Lead Flow at the Waste Management&Recycling Stage13

1.7 Data Quality and Uncertainty14

1.8 Summary15


第2章 多尺度铅元素人为循环分析:结果与讨论 The Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead:Ⅱ.Results and Discussion20

2.1 Introduction20

2.2 The Framework of Multilevel Lead Cycle Characterization21

2.3 Multilevel Lead Flows and Cycles22

2.3.1 The Lead Cycle for Selected Countries22

2.3.2 Regional Lead Cycles26

2.3.3 A Detailed Regional-Level Lead Cycle31

2.3.4 The Global Lead Cycle32

2.4 Comparing Lead Flows in Countries and Regions35

2.5 Discussion38


第3章 铅元素使用蓄积动力分析 Lead In-Use Stock: A Dynamic Analysis42

3.1 Introduction42

3.2 Methodology44

3.2.1 “Top-Down” Computation of In-Use Stocks44

3.2.2 Considerations for Specifiic Lead Product Groups46

3.2.3 Types of Stocks and Losses47

3.3 Lead In-Use Stock in the 20th Century47

3.3.1 Additions to Stock in Year 200047

3.3.2 Global In-Use Stock, 1900-200049

3.4 In-Use Lead Stocks in Regions and Countries52

3.4.1 The Disaggregation Methodology52

3.4.2 The Results of Disaggregation53

3.5 Discussion55


第4章 中国铅元素人为释放动力分析及其环境累积 A Dynamic Analysis of Environmental Losses from Anthropogenic Lead Flow and Their Accumulation in China60

4.1 Introduction60

4.2 Methodology61

4.2.1 The Model of Lead Emissions in Anthropogenic Cycle61

4.2.2 Intensity and Accumulative Equations of Lead Emissions65

4.2.3 Values of the Parameters and the Data Sources66

4.3 Results and Discussions69

4.3.1 The Intensity of Lead Emissions69

4.3.2 The Accumulative Lead Emissions70

4.3.3 Data Uncertainty and Perspectives72

4.4 Condusions72


第5章 铅酸电池系统的铅流分析 The Lead Flow Analysis for Lead-Acid Battery Systems76

5.1 研究方法76

5.1.1 铅酸电池系统及其铅的流动76

5.1.2 评价指标77

5.1.3 铅酸电池生命周期铅流图77

5.2 铅流基本规律78

5.2.1 资源效率78

5.2.2 环境效率79

5.2.3 环境效率与资源效率的关系79

5.3 铅酸电池系统中铅的流动(实例分析)80

5.3.1 中国铅酸电池系统的铅流80

5.3.2 结果与讨论81

5.4 结论84


第6章 中国铅流分析 The Industrial Flow of Lead in China86

6.1 Introduction86

6.2 Theoretical Study88

6.2.1 The IFL Model88

6.2.2 Evaluation Indices: External Indices91

6.2.3 Primary Regulation of the System92

6.2.4 The Evaluation Indices: Internal Indices94

6.3 Case Study: the Industrial Flow of Lead in China95

6.3.1 Brief Description of Lead Flow in China95

6.3.2 Data Sources97

6.3.3 Evaluation of the IFL in China98

6.3.4 Analysis of Causes and Proposed Improvements101

6.4 Conclusions105


第7章 2005年北京市铅的使用蓄积研究 Lead in Use Stock of Beijing in 2005109

7.1 研究方法109

7.1.1 研究对象的确定109

7.1.2 自下而上(bottom-up)法110

7.1.3 铅酸蓄电池的产品种类110

7.1.4 铅酸电池使用量及其数据来源111

7.1.5 单元铅酸电池含铅量112

7.2 结果与讨论112

7.2.1 蓄积量及其构成112

7.2.2 与国外部分城市对比114

7.2.3 结果的不确定性115

7.3 结论115


第8章 我国耗散型铅的使用现状及趋势分析 Tread Analysis on Dissipative Uses of Pb in China117

8.1 概述117

8.2 我国典型耗散型铅制品的现状及分析117

8.2.1 使用状况117

8.2.2 相关政策118

8.2.3 相关标准118

8.3 国外同类产品的现状及分析119

8.3.1 国外使用状况119

8.3.2 国外相关政策120

8.3.3 国外相关标准120

8.4 我国相关政策标准趋势分析121

8.5 改善建议与展望122


第二篇 人为迁移与转化127

第9章 矿物资源服务归趋:概念、内涵与议题 The Flows of Mineral Resources to Provide Human Service:Concepts,Connotation and Contents127

9.1 概念128

9.1.1 服务归趋的概念128

9.1.2 服务归趋研究框架130

9.1.3 物质服务归趋与环境归趋的对比131

9.2 科学意义132

9.2.1 科学内涵132

9.2.2 学科意义133

9.3 核心议题135

9.3.1 关键问题135

9.3.2 工作内容135

9.4 展望与结语136


第10章 重金属人为迁移转化:概念、内涵与内容 Anthropogenic Transfer&Transformation of Heavy Metals in Anthrosphere:Concepts, Connotations and Contents139

10.1 Introduction139

10.2 Concepts140

10.2.1 Anthropogenic Transfers140

10.2.2 Anthropogenic Transformations143

10.2.3 Essential Characteristics145

10.3 Scientifiic Connotations145

10.4 Core Issues148

10.4.1 Core Issues148

10.4.2 Main Research Contents149

10.5 Prospects and Conclusions151


第11章 铅元素人为服务归趋中的变化:功能、形态与位置 Changes in the Functions,Species and Locations of Lead during Its Anthropogenic Flows to Provide Services154

11.1 Introduction154

11.2 Analogy between Anthropogenic Flows and Environmental Flows156

11.2.1 Factors That Influence Environmental Lead Flows156

11.2.2 The Relationships between the Anthropogenic and Biogeo-Chemical Lead Cycles157

11.2.3 Comparing the Anthropogenic and Environmental Flows of Lead157

11.3 Factors That Influence Anthropogenic Lead Flows159

11.3.1 Tracing Flows of Lead Through Its Life Cycle159

11.3.2 The Factors That Influence the Flows of Lead to Providing Human Services161

11.4 Results164

11.4.1 Changes in the Functions of Lead164

11.4.2 Changes in the Forms of Lead166

11.4.3 Changes in the Locations of Lead166

11.4.4 Characteristics of the Anthropogenic Flows to Providing Service168

11.5 Conclusions168


第12章 中国铅元素的人为迁移与转变 Lead Anthropogenic Transfer and Transformation in China172

12.1 Introduction172

12.2 Methodology173

12.2.1 Basic Concepts173

12.2.2 Analysis of Lead Anthropogenic Transfer and Transformation175

12.2.3 Data Sources176

12.3 Determination of Lead Flows and Species177

12.3.1 Lead Flow Quantities in Anthropogenic Cycle177

12.3.2 Lead Transformation at Production Stage178

12.3.3 Lead Transformation at F&M Stage179

12.3.4 Lead Transformation at Use and WMR Stage179

12.4 Results and Discussion180

12.4.1 Anthropogenic Transfer in Anthropogenic Lead Cycle180

12.4.2 Implications on Resources and Environment181

12.4.3 Data Uncertainty183

12.5 Conclusions183


第13章 铅元素人为循环环境释放物形态分析 Speciation Analysis of Lead Losses from Anthropogenic Flow in China187

13.1 材料与方法188

13.1.1 环境释放物研究框架188

13.1.2 生命周期各阶段铅环境释放物形态分析189

13.2 结果与讨论192

13.2.1 各阶段铅释放物形态比例192

13.2.2 生命周期铅释放物形态构成193

13.2.3 生命周期铅释放物来源构成194

13.2.4 讨论196

13.3 结论196


第14章 全球铅元素人为释放物源头数量与形态分析 Source Analysis of Global Anthropogenic Lead Emissions:Their Quantities and Species199

14.1 Introduction199

14.2 Methodology200

14.2.1 Estimation of Lead Emissions200

14.2.2 Lead Emissions Species Analysis205

14.2.3 Data Sources206

14.3 Results and Discussion207

14.3.1 Global Lead Emissions207

14.3.2 Species Present in the Global Lead Emissions209

14.3.3 Discussion and Uncertainty211

14.4 Conclusions213


第15章 多尺度铅元素人为循环的环境排放 Losses to the Environment from the Multilevel Cycle of Anthropogenic Lead217

15.1 Introduction217

15.2 Losses of Lead and Potential Environmental Risk218

15.2.1 Lead Loss in Tailings219

15.2.2 Lead Loss in Slag219

15.2.3 Lead Losses from Fabrication&Manufacture219

15.2.4 Lead Losses from the In-Use Stage220

15.2.5 Lead Losses from the Waste Management&Recycling Life Stage221

15.2.6 Lead Losses Not Treated in This Study221

15.2.7 Evaluation of Environmental Hazard of Lead Emissions221

15.3 Results222

15.3.1 Lead Loss at the Global Level222

15.3.2 Lead Loss at the Regional Level224

15.3.3 Comprehensive Lead Emission Patterns for Countries and Regions225

15.4 Incorporating Potential Environmental Hazard into the Life Cycle228

15.5 Discussion229


第三篇 外部效应与评估235

第16章 铅酸电池中铅的生态效率 The Eco-efficiency of Lead in China’s Lead-acid Battery System235

16.1 Introduction235

16.1.1 Background235

16.1.2 The Present Study236

16.2 Primary Regulations238

16.2.1 Methodology: the Lead-flow Diagram in the LAB System238

16.2.2 Results and Discussion241

16.3 A Case Study:the Eco-effiiciency of Lead in China’s LAB System243

16.3.1 Brief Description of Lead Flow in the LAB System243

16.3.2 Data Sources244

16.3.3 Results and Discussion245

16.4 Conclusions249


第17章 关于中国铅的资源效率的研究 Study on the Resource Effiiciency of Lead for China252

17.1 铅的资源效率及其变化规律252

17.1.1 铅的资源效率的定义252

17.1.2 铅的资源效率变化规律252

17.1.3 资源效率估算式253

17.2 实例应用——中国铅的资源效率分析254

17.2.1 中国铅的资源效率现状254

17.2.2 原因分析254

17.2.3 提高铅的资源效率的途径及建议256

17.3 结论257


第18章 铅元素人为循环释放物的风险评价 Risk Assessment of Lead Emissions from Anthropogenic Cycle258

18.1 Introduction258

18.2 Methodology259

18.2.1 Framework for Lead Risk Assessment259

18.2.2 Model for Lead Risk Assessment260

18.2.3 Risk Assessment263

18.3 Results and Discussions264

18.3.1 Human Health Risk Assessment264

18.3.2 Ecological Risk Assessment265

18.3.3 Total Risk Assessment266

18.3.4 Uncertainty Analysis268

18.4 Conclusions268


第19章 物质的循环流动与价值循环流动 The Material Circular Flow and Value Circular Flow271

19.1 元素M的循环流动271

19.2 元素M的价位变化273

19.2.1 元素M的价位273

19.2.2 元素M的价位变化273

19.2.3 价值的循环流动274

19.3 结语276


第20章 物质循环流动对价值源强的影响 The Influence of Recycling of Materials on Value Source Intensity278

20.1 Introduction278

20.1.1 Background278

20.1.2 This Study279

20.2 Primary Rules(Theoretical Study)280

20.2.1 Methodology280

20.2.2 Results and Discussion284

20.3 A Case Study: the VSI for the Production Stages in the Lead-acid Battery System286

20.3.1 Methodology286

20.3.2 Results and Discussion287

20.4 Conclusions289


第21章 工业物质循环的若干收益 Several Benefiits From Recycling of Industrial Materials292

21.1 Introduction292

21.1.1 Background292

21.1.2 The Present Study293

21.2 Methodology294

21.2.1 CFIM and Its Material Benefiits294

21.2.2 The CFV and Its Economic Benefiits297

21.3 Results and Discussion300

21.3.1 Results on Various Benefiits300

21.3.2 Discussion on Various Benefiits300

21.4 A Case Study: the Benefiit From the Circular Flow of Lead in Lead-acid Battery System302

21.4.1 Methodology302

21.4.2 Results and Discussion304

21.5 Conclusions305


第四篇 废铅管理与政策311

第22章 论工业中的废金属资源 On Metal Scrap Resource for Industry311

22.1 引言311

22.2 理论研究312

22.2.1 若干基本概念312

22.2.2 废金属指数基本规律313

22.3 实例分析:中国大陆若干金属的废金属指数316

22.3.1 估算方法316

22.3.2 估算结果317

22.3.3 讨论318

22.4 结论319


第23章 论铅业的废铅资源 On Lead Scrap Resource for Lead Industry321

23.1 分析方法321

23.1.1 废铅的来源321

23.1.2 废铅指数322

23.1.3 铅产量变化与废铅指数之间的关系322

23.1.4 废铅实得率与废铅指数之间的关系325

23.2 实例——中国、美国、瑞典三国废铅指数的估算326

23.2.1 铅产量的变化情况326

23.2.2 废铅实得率的变化情况326

23.2.3 废铅指数的估算327

23.2.4 小结328

23.3 讨论329

23.3.1 中国329

23.3.2 美国329

23.3.3 瑞典329

23.4 结论329


第24章 关于我国废铅实得率低下的原因的研究 A Study on the Reasons of Low Lead Recycling Rate in China331

24.1 废铅实得率331

24.2 铅的生命周期流动示意图332

24.3 废铅实得率影响因数的估算333

24.3.1 估算方法333

24.3.2 估算结果334

24.3.3 讨论336

24.4 改善建议336

24.5 结论337


第25章 中国铅流变化的定量分析 Quantitative Analysis on the Changes in Anthropogenic Lead Flows of China339

25.1 研究方法340

25.1.1 铅元素人为流动分析340

25.1.2 对比研究341

25.1.3 数据来源和计算说明342

25.2 结果与讨论342

25.2.1 2010年我国铅流分析结果342

25.2.2 指标对比分析343

25.3 结论345


第26章 中国铅流改变原因分析 The Reasons for the Changes in Anthropogenic Lead Flows of China347

26.1 影响铅流的因素分析347

26.1.1 铅流分析框架347

26.1.2 影响指标348

26.2 原因分析351

26.2.1 终端消费对铅消费的拉动作用351

26.2.2 铅消费对铅生产的拉动作用352

26.2.3 铅制品国内消费率增大便于铅循环率提高353

26.2.4 先进技术的采用353

26.2.5 宏观管理加强354

26.3 结论355


第27章 中国铅的使用政策现状分析 Analysis of Current Policies on Lead Usage in China357

27.1 Introduction357

27.2 Methodology358

27.2.1 Lead Product Life Cycle358

27.2.2 Policy Classifiication359

27.3 Existing Policies and Analysis359

27.3.1 Lead Production363

27.3.2 Lead Products Fabrication and Manufacturing365

27.3.3 Lead Products Use367

27.3.4 Waste Management and Recycling368

27.3.5 Lead Trade369

27.4 Discussion and Recommendations370

27.4.1 Discussion370

27.4.2 Recommendations371

