

  • 周卫荣,戴志强等著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中华书局
  • ISBN:7101032591
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:452页
  • 文件大小:54MB
  • 文件页数:465页
  • 主题词:货币


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贰:英文篇(Part Ⅱ:Paper in English)1


Dai Zhiqiang and Zhou Weirong:Studies of the alloy composition of more than two thousand years of Chinese coins(5th century B.C.-20th century A.D.),The Jourmal of the Historical Metallurgy Society,26(2),1992(Britain). (307)1

戴志强、王体鸿:北宋铜钱金属成分试析 (1)1

壹:中文篇(Part Ⅰ:Papes in Chinese)1

赵匡华、周卫荣等:明代铜钱化学成分剖析 (13)2

Zhou Weirong:A new study on the history of the use of zinc in China,Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.19(1993-)(Japan). (329)2

Zhou Weirong and Fan Xiangxi:A study on the development of Brass for coinage in China,Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.20(1993,11)(Japan). (336)3

戴志强、周卫荣等:满城汉墓出土五铢钱的成分检测及有关问题的思索 (25)3

周卫荣、樊祥熹:唐代“磁性钱”研讨 (32)4

Zhou Weirong and Fan Xiangxi:Application of zinc and cadmium for the dating and authenticating of metal relics in ancient China,Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.22(1994-11)(Japan). (348)4

周卫荣、陈荣、孙成甫:齐国铸币合金成分的检测与考察 (37)5

Dai Zhiqiang and Zhou Weirong:A comparative study of early metal currency(7th-3rd Centuries B.C)in China and the west,Bulletin of the Metal Museum,Vol.24(1995,11)(Japan). (356)5

赵匡华、周卫荣等:战国时期古币金属组成试析 (44)6

Zhou Weirong:Chinese traditional zinc-smelting technology and the history of zinc production in China,Bulletin of the Netals Museum,Vol.25(1996-1)(Japan). (368)6

戴志强、周卫荣:中国历代铜铸币合金成分探讨 (57)7

Zhou Weirong:About the bronze‘dagger-axe coins’of the Yue state,China,Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.28(1997-11)(Japan). (387)7

周卫荣:黄铜钱与白铜钱 (75)8

Dai Zhiqiang and Zhou Weirong:A study of the pieces of bronze used as primitive currency in ancient China,Numismatic Metallurgy Ⅳ(1998)(Britain). (395)8

周卫荣、樊祥熹:中国古代黄铜铸钱历程研究 (78)9

Zhou Weirong:A study of the origins of Bronze coinage in China,Proceedings of the Ⅻ th International Numismatic Congress(Berlin 1997)ed Bornd Kluge and Bernhard Weisser,Berlin 2000. (402)9

周卫荣:再论“齐”明刀 (87)10

Zhou Weirong:A new transliterational study of Tuoshi(Tutty,鍮石),Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.32(2000)(Japan). (411)10

周卫荣、华觉明等:燕下都出土钱币金属成分的检测与考察 (94)11

Zhou Weirong:The emergence and development of brass-smelting techniques in China,Bulletin of11

the Metals Museum,Vol.34(2001)(Japan). (421)12

Zhou Weirong and Li Yanxiang:A search for the tinned coins,Bulletin of the Metals Museum,Vol.36(2001)(Japan) (437)12

樊祥熹、戴志强、周卫荣:燕国货币合金成分研究 (112)12

汪昌桥、周卫荣、吕长礼:楚铜币出土调查及其合金成分的分析研究 (119)13

田光、周卫荣、赵仁久:满城、迁西出土的明刀、尖首刀 (133)14

周卫荣:试论我国古代青铜货币的起源 (141)15

周卫荣:试论我国古代铁钱的起源 (152)16

周卫荣:“夹锡钱”再考证 (159)17

周卫荣、李延祥:广西贺县铁屎岭遗址北宋含锡铁钱初步研究 (168)18

周卫荣:齐刀铜范母与叠铸工艺 (177)19

周卫荣:中国传统铸钱工艺初探 (199)20

周卫荣:关于宣德炉中的金属锌问题 (234)21

周卫荣:中国古代用锌历史新探 (237)22

周卫荣:“水锡”考辨 (245)23

周卫荣、樊祥熹、何琳:中国古代使用单质锌黄铜的实验证据 (251)24

周卫荣:中国炼锌历史的再考证 (256)25

周卫荣:云贵地区传统炼锌工艺考察 (264)26

周卫荣:“鍮石”考述 (277)27

周卫荣:黄铜冶铸技术在中国的产生与发展 (287)28
