

  • 徐平,张琦编 著
  • 出版社: 青岛:青岛出版社
  • ISBN:7543629682
  • 出版时间:2002
  • 标注页数:275页
  • 文件大小:10MB
  • 文件页数:286页
  • 主题词:英语-对照读物,故事-英、汉


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Part One1

1.Peter and the Wolf 彼得和狼1

2.The Garden 花园4

3.A List 清单7

4.The Sky Is Falling 天要塌了10

5.Learning to Fly 学习飞行13

6.A Clever Fish 聪明的小鱼16

7.A New Tooth 一颗新牙19

8.A Special Coat 特殊的皮衣22

9.A Beautiful Trap 美丽的陷阱25

10.Growing Up 成长28

11.Sleep over at a Friend's House 到朋友家过夜31

12.Cookies 饼干34

13.The Pigeon,The Fox and the Peacock37


14.The Old Wolf's Dinner 老狼的晚餐40

15.The Rabbit and the Wolf 兔子与狼43

16.The Rabbit's Tail 兔子的尾巴45

17.Jackals and Dogs 豺狼与狗48

18.Snow White 白雪公主50

19.Sleeping Beauty 睡美人53

20.Seeing the World 见世面56

21.Making Friends 交朋友59

22.Lost and Found 失而复得62

23.What's Wrong with“Big Hen”? 大母鸡怎么了?65

24.A Morning Surprise 早晨的惊喜68

25.A Bear Visitor? 狗熊来访?71

26.No Pains,No Gains 一分耕耘,一分收获74

27.A Grateful Ant 感恩图报的蚂蚁77

28.A Young Magic Painter 魔法小画家80

29.A Very Old Seller 老货郎82

30.Reynard and Bruin 列那狐和布伦熊85

31.Why the Cat Kills Rats? 为什么猫会吃老鼠?88

Part Two90

32.The Peasant and the Devil 农夫和魔鬼90

33.The Cat and the Tiger 猫和老虎93

34.We Are Brave 我们勇敢96

35.An Old Couple's Wishes 一对老夫妇的三个愿望99

36.The Cat and the Rabbit 猫和兔子102

37.The Widowed Fox and Her Fierce New Husband104


38.The Donkey Who Wanted Horns 想长牛角的驴107

39.The Wolf and the Dog 狼与家犬109

40.Beauty and the Beast 美女与野兽111

41.The Fox and the Cat 猫与狐狸114

42.Twelve Brothers 十二兄弟116

43.An Old Woman in the Wood 树林中的老妇人119

44.Bremen Town Musician 布勒门镇上的音乐家122

45.The Fox and the Geese 狐狸和鹅125

46.The Princess and the Pea 公主与豌豆127

47.Who Did Patrick's Homework?130


48.Three Hungry Soldiers 三个饥饿的士兵133

49.The Three Lazy Bones 三个懒汉136

50.The Ears of Corn 谷穗儿138

51.The Straw,the Coal,and the Bean 稻草,煤炭和豆子140

52.Herr Korbes 赫·考伯斯先生143

53.The Fox and the Horse 狐狸和马146

54.Hawk and Rabbit 老鹰和兔子149

55.How Saint Peter Lost His Hair152


56.The Dog,the Cat,and the Mouse 狗、猫和老鼠154

57.Fox Wants to Taste Horse Flesh157


58.The Frog Prince 青蛙王子160

59.The Water-Nix 女水精163

60.The Lamb and the Little Fish 羊羔与小鱼165

61.The Legend of the Pearl 珍珠的传说168

62.The Old Man and His Grandson 老人和孙子171

Part Three173

63.The Dream 梦境173

64.Are You on My Side or the Bear's?176


65.Gossip Wolf and the Fox 母狼戈赛普和狐狸178

66.The Bright Sun Brings It to Light181


67.Going Traveling 外出旅行184

68.The Lord's Animals and the Devil's187


69.The Peasant in Heaven 天堂里的农夫190

70.The Duration of Life 寿命192

71.Death's Messengers 死神的信使195

72.The Nail 马掌钉198

73.The Seven-Witted Fox and the One-Witted Owl200


74.John Fails to Count the Donkey He Is Riding203


75.The Three Wishes 三个愿望205

76.Foolish Hans 愚蠢的汉斯208

77.The Gardener and the Bear 园丁和狗熊211

78.The Man Who Became Rich Through a Dream213


79.The Town Mouse and the Field Mouse 家鼠和田鼠216

80.The Three Proverbs 三句箴言219

81.The She-Wolf 母狼222

82.The Slave and the Lion 奴隶与狮子225

83.The Lad and the Fox 少年和狐狸228

84.The Just Man 公平的人230

85.The Fish That Were Too Clever 聪明过头的鱼233

86.Four Eyes Are Going to Treat 四眼儿来请客236

87.Justice Must Be Done 必须缉拿归案239

88.The Man Unknowingly Married A Witch242


89.Hans Married 汉斯结婚245

90.Lean Lisa 瘦丽莎248

91.Making a Totem Pole 雕刻图腾木柱251

92.Godfather Death 死神教父254

93.The Hare and the Merchant 野兔和商人257

94.Remembrance of Benefits 知恩图报260

95.The Peasant,the Snake,and King Solomon263


96.The Secret of Happiness 幸福的秘诀266

97.A Lesson to Mr.Miser 吝啬先生受到的教训268

98.A Crippled King 瘸腿国王270

99.The Old Fisherman and His Greedy Wife272


100.What Were You Doing? 你在干什么?274
