

  • 徐德宽,万得梅,肖兵等编 著
  • 出版社: 武汉:湖北教育出版社
  • ISBN:7535123406
  • 出版时间:1999
  • 标注页数:149页
  • 文件大小:6MB
  • 文件页数:159页
  • 主题词:


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南国瓷乡 Home of Ceramics in the South 贾庭安 jia tingan1

东阳木雕 Dongyang Wood Carving 中央电视台 CCTV4

潍坊风筝 Kites of Various Makes in Waifang 潍坊电视台 Weifang TV6

花炮名城 A Well-known City of Fireworks 李芳庭 Li Fangting8

湘绣 Hunan Embroidery 李芳庭 Li Fangting10

绍兴花雕 Shaoxing Cameoware 绍兴电视台 Shaoxing TV12

山西面塑 Dough Modelling in Shanxi 山西省教育委员会 Education Commission of Shanxi Province14

北京皮影 Beijing leather-silhouette Shows 北京电视台 Beijing TV16

库车小刀 Kuche's Small Knife 阿克苏电视台 Aksu TV18

苗族银饰 Silver Adornments of the Miaos 王娴 Wang Xian19

乐钟之王——曾侯乙编钟 King of Musical Bells——Chimes of Marquis Zenghou Yi 湖北电视台 Hubei TV20

杭州织锦 Hangzhou Brocade 杭州电视台 Hangzhou TV22

胶东面塑 Dough Modelling in jiaodong 王友国 Wang Youguo24

凝固的梦 The congelation of a Dream 哈尔滨电视台 Harbin TV26

海南椰子宴 Hainan Coconut Feast 曾献才 Zeng Xiancai28

新疆烧烤 Xinjiang Grills 赵淑静 Zhao Shujing30

新疆风味小吃 Local Flavour Snacks in Xinjiang 赵淑静 Zhao Shujing32

潮汕吃鱼 How Chaoshaners Eat Fish 文叔 Wen Shu34

烹饪之乡 The Homland of Chinese Cooking 王友国 Wang Youguo36

川南酒乡宜宾 Yibin—— Land of Wine in Southem Sichuan 杜长彬 Du Changbin38

大同铜火锅 The Bronze Chafing Dish of Datong 山西电视台 Shanxi TV40

土家油茶汤 Oil-fried Tea Broth by the Tujia People 王桥英、张永年 Wang Qiaoying Zhang Yongnian42

秦淮小吃 Qinhuai Snacks 南京电视台 Nanjing TV44

闽南功夫茶 "Gongfu Tea" in the South of Fujian Province 厦门电视台 Xiamen TV46

蒙阴煎饼 Pancakes of Mengyin County 赵淑静 Zhao Shujing48

徽州古民居 Ancient Habitations in Huizhou 李国强、王元林 Li Guoqiang Wang Yuanlin50

川西民居 Habitations in the West of Sichuan Province 成都电视台、中央电视台 Chengdu TV CCTV52

勒勒车 The Lele Cart 呼盟电视台 Hulun buir League TV54

黄河泅渡 Peculiar Means of Crossing the Yellow River 王桥英 Wang Qiaoying56

鄂西吊脚楼 Houses Projecting over the Land in Western Hubei 中央电视台、鄂西电视台 CCTV Westem Hubei TV59

图楼春秋 Vicissitudes of Round Storied Buildings 王桥英、张茂西 Wang Qiaoying Zhang Maoxi60

北京四合院Quadrangles in Beijing 国际文化中心 International Centre of Culture62

程阳桥的建筑艺术 Architectural Art of Chengyang Bridge 仇建军 Chou Jianjun64

中国三大古桥 Three Great Bridges of China in Ancient Times 哈聪 Ha Cong66

傣族建筑掠影 Snapshots of Dai Architecture 贾庭安 Jia Tingan69

北京天坛 The Temple of Heaven in Beijing 文叔 Wen Shu72

承德避暑山庄 The Mountain Summer Villa in Chengde 李国强 Li Guoqiang74

天下雄关 The Impregnable Pass 李国强 Li Guoqiang76

吉林雾凇冰雪节 The Jilin Rime-Ice Festival 吉林市电视台 TV of the City of Jilin78

澄海舞蜈蚣 Centipede Dance in Chenghai 何锐锐 He Ruirui81

鼓子秧歌 Yangko Dance Accompanied by Drumbeats 山东电视台 Shandong TV83

山西锣鼓 Shanxi Gongs and Drums 山西电教馆 Shanxi TV Education Centre84

兰州太平鼓 The Lanzhou Taiping Drum 冠胜军 Guan Shengjun86

潮州大锣鼓 Chaozhou Large Gongs and Drums 文淑 Wen Shu88

泼水节 Water Splashing Festival 贾庭安 Jia Tingan90

自贡灯如昼 The Lantern-lit White Night of Zigong 张道国 Zhang Daoguo92

打铁花 Sparks from Striking Red-Hot lron 淄博电视台 Zibo TV93

大理白族三月街 The March Fair of the Bai Nationality in Dali 大理电视台 Dali TV94

凉山火把节 Celebrations of the Torch Festival at Liangshan 王光龙、贾庭安 Wang Guanglong Jia Tingan96

永年太极 Yongnian Taiji 河北电视台 Hebei TV98

十世班禅灵塔 The Stupa for the Remains of the 10th Bainqen Lama 彭思 Peng Si101

巨幅堆绣 A Huge-sized Piled-up Embroidery 西宁电视台 Xining TV104

雪顿——西藏戏剧节 Xuedun——Tibetan Dramal Festival 陈学林 Chen Xuelin106

青岛正月糖球会 Qingdao's Sugared Balls Fair in January 青岛电视台 Qingdao TV108

中国藏学 Tibetan Studies in China 北京广播学院 Beijing Broadcasting Institute110

福禄寿 Prosperity, Status and Longevity 刘玉峰、徐艳丹 Liu Yufeng Xu Yandan113

雪山下的婚礼 The Marital Practices of the Deqen Plateau 云南电视台 Yunan TV116

古城歙县话四宝 A Chat about the Four Treasures in the Ancient City of Shexian County 张道国Zhang Daoguo118

古黟赏联 Marvellous Couplets in Guyi 黄山电视台 Huang Shan TV120

夜郎遗风拾零——贵州民族文化博物馆览胜 Titbits of Yelang Old Customs——A Fine View of the Museums of National Cultures in Guizhou 张道国 Zhang Daoguo123

赵瓦孜 Talboltz 赵淑静 Zhao Shujing126

书法圣地——兰亭 Orchid Pavilion——A Sacred Place of Calligraphy 绍兴电视台 Shaoxing TV128

泰山碑刻 Stone Tablets at Taishan Mountain 山东电视台 Shaodong TV132

荆州城与楚文化 Jingzhou City and the Chu Culture 赵云龙 Zhao Yunlong135

敦煌壁画 Dunhuang Frescoes 李国强 Li Gouqiang138

江永女书 Woman Script in Jiangyong County 马靖华 Ma Jinhua140

隆中诗话 Poetic Remarks about Longzhong 赵海亭 Zhao Haiting142

茶圣陆羽 Lu Yu——Sage of Tea 湖北电视台 Hubei TV146

民族婚俗 National Customs of Marriage 徐艳丹 Xu Yandan148
