

  • 周世界著 著
  • 出版社: 大连:大连海事大学出版社
  • ISBN:7563217657
  • 出版时间:2004
  • 标注页数:208页
  • 文件大小:4MB
  • 文件页数:220页
  • 主题词:统计语言学-研究-英文


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Chapter 1 Some Fundamental Concepts in Statistics1

1.1 Descriptive and inferential statistics2

1.2 Population and sample3

1.3 Frequency, relative frequency and probability4

1.4 Classifications of variables and levels of measurement5

1.4.1 Nominal level of measurement6

1.4.2 Ordinal level of measurement6

1.4.3 Interval level of measurement7

1.4.4 Ratio level of measurement7

1.4.5 Comparison among the four levels of measurement8

1.5 Computer softwares for statistical analyses8

Chapter 2 Descriptive Statistics: Central Tendency and Variability10

2.1 Measures of central tendency10

2.1.1 The mean11

2.1.2 The median12

2.1.3 The mode12

2.1.4 Comparison of the three measures of central tendency13

2.2 Measures of variability14

2.2.1 The range15

2.2.2 The interquartile range15

2.2.3 The mean deviation16

2.2.4 The variance and the standard deviation16

2.3 Calculating descriptive statistics using SPSS18

Chapter 3 Graphical Presentation of Data and Normal Distribution22

3.1 Frequency table22

3.2 Frequency distribution24

3.2.1 Histogram25

3.2.2 Polygon26

3.3 Skew and Kurtosis27

3.4 The normal distribution28

3.5 Differences in members of the family of normal curves29

3.6 The standard score31

3.7 The area under normal curves32

Chapter 4 Estimation34

4.1 Estimation36

4.1.1 Estimation from large samples: the normal distribution36

4.1.2 Estimation from small samples: the t distribution39

4.2 Calculation of estimation for both large samples and small samples using SPSS43

Chapter 5 Project Design and Hypothesis Testing: Basic Principles47

5.1 Experimental and observational design of investigations47

5.2 Correlated and independent design48

5.3 Hypothesis testing49

5.4 Significance level52

5.5 Directional (one-tailed) and non-directional(two-tailed) tests53

5.6 Types of errors55

5.7 How to choose a test56

5.7.1 Parametric tests56

5.7.2 Non-parametric tests57

Chapter 6 Parametric Tests59

6.1 Hypothesis testing about one population mean60

6.1.1 z test for large samples60

6.1.2 t test for small samples66

6.1.3 Calculation of statistic t-value using SPSS67

6.2 Hypothesis testing about the difference between two population means69

6.2.1 z test for large samples69

6.2.2 t test for small samples71

6.2.3 Calculation of the statistic t-value using SPSS73

6.3 t test for correlated samples78

Chapter 7 Non-parametric Tests84

7.1 The Mann-Whitney U test86

7.2 The Wilcoxon signed-rank test92

7.3 The sign test96

Chapter 8 Chi-square Test100

8.1 Goodness-of-fit test102

8.2 Hypothesis testing of Chi-square test for the contingency table107

8.3 Yates’s correction114

8.4 Hypothesis testing of Chi-square test about more than two categories116

Chapter 9 F Distribution119

9.1 The F distribution119

9.2 Homogeneity of variance120

9.3 Analysis of variance123

9.4 Kruskal-Wallis test130

Chapter 10 Hypothesis Testing About Proportions135

10.1 Estimation of one population poportion135

10.2 Estimation of a difference between two population proportions136

10.3 Hypothesis testing about a single population proportion137

10.4 Hypothesis testing about two independent population proportions139

10.5 Hypothesis testing about two dependent population proportions141

Chapter 11 Regression and Correlation145

11.1 Regression146

11.2 Correlation151

11.2.1 The Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient152

11.2.2 Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient155

11.2.3 The Phi correlation coefficient158

Chapter 12 Factor Analysis162

12.1 Applications of factor analysis162

12.2 Basic ideas of factor analysis as a data reduction method164

12.3 Factor analysis to discover the structure of validity and reliability173

12.4 Factor analysis used for exploration176

Appendix Ⅰ The Normal Distribution179

Appendix Ⅱ The t distribution181

Appendix Ⅲ The Mann-Whitney U test183

Appendix Ⅳ The Wilcoxon Signed-ranks Test185

Appendix Ⅴ The Sign Test186

Appendix Ⅵ The Chi-square Distribution187

Appendix Ⅶ The F Distribution188

Appendix Ⅷ The Person Product-moment Correlation Coefficient190

Appendix Ⅸ The Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient191

Appendix Ⅹ 常用统计学术语表192

