

  • (英)西蒙娜·拉蒙特·布莱克著;韩立余编译 著
  • 出版社: 北京:中国人民大学出版社
  • ISBN:9787300131955
  • 出版时间:2011
  • 标注页数:555页
  • 文件大小:156MB
  • 文件页数:567页
  • 主题词:国际贸易-贸易法-双语教学-高等学校-教材


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List of cases5

List of statutes19

List of statutory instruments23

List of conventions25

List of abbreviations29

Chapter 1 Introduction31

1.1 Aims of this book31

1.2 How to use this book32

1.3 How to research the status of treaties and conventions32

1.4 Introduction to international trade law33

Chapter 2 The International Sale Contract37

2.1 Introduction to sale of goods37

2.2 International sale of goods and international trade terms overview43

2.3 International trade terms:ex works50

2.4 International trade terms:delivered duty paid51

2.5 International trade terms:cost,insurance and freight52

2.6 International trade terms:free on board62

2.7 Standard term contracts and common contractual clauses69

2.8 Consequences of breach of contractual obligations73

2.9 Remedies of the buyer79

2.10 Remedies of the seller82

2.11 United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods 198087

2.12 Revision and further reading90

Chapter 3 Payment Methods in International Trade93

3.1 General93

3.2 Bills of exchange in detail97

3.3 Collection arrangements108

3.4 Documentary credits110

3.5 Standby credits and guarantees121

3.6 Forfaiting and factoring123

3.7 Revision and further reading126

Chapter 4 Contracts of Affreightment129

4.1 Introduction129

4.2 Carriage of goods by sea130

4.3 Aspects of carriage of goods by air and land173

4.4 Revision and further reading178

Chapter 5 Marine Cargo Insurance182

5.1 Introduction182

5.2 Making the insurance contract184

5.3 Kinds of insurance cover192

5.4 The insurance claim198

5.5 Revision and further reading201

Chapter 6 International Dispute Resolution205

6.1 General205

6.2 Jurisdiction and enforcement of judgments207

6.3 Arbitration as a form of alternative dispute resolution226

6.4 Applicable law234

6.5 Dispute resolution checklist245

6.6 Revision and further reading246

Chapter 7 The Bigger Picture251

7.1 Introduction251

7.2 Case study 1 Steel Girders252

7.3 Case study 2 Didgeridoos261

Chapter 8 A Guide to Further Reading268

8.1 Textbooks and Cases and Materials Books in International Trade Law268

8.2 Practitioner guides269

8.3 Statute books271

8.4 Journals and newsletters272

8.5 Online sources273


A)Incoterms 2000 Overview276

B)GAFTA 100278

C)GAFTA 119284

D)Invoice V5288

E)Add.Copy Doc.Coil.with Bill of Exchange289

F)Bills of Exchange290

G)Foreign Bill and/or Documents for Collection291

H)Sample Letter of Credit Application Form292

I)Letter of Credit Presentation Form293

J)Export Cargo Shipping Instructions294

K)Standard Shipping Note for non-dangerous goods only295

L)Dangerous Goods Note296

M)House Air Waybill298

N)Shipper's Letter of Instructions for issuing Air Waybill299

O)Certificate of Insurance-Lloyd's300

P)GENCON Voyage Charter Party as revised in 1994302

Q)GENTIME Time Charter Party306

R)BARECON 2001 Standard Bareboat Charter316

S)CONGENBILL Bill of Lading,1994 Edition328

T)CONLINEBILL 2000 Liner Bill of Lading as revised in November 2000330

U)LINEWAYBILL Non-negotiable Liner Sea Waybill332

V)COMBICONBILL Negotiable Transport Bill of Lading,as revised in 1995334

W)COMBICONWAYBILL Combined Transport Sea Waybill,issued in 1995336

X)MULTIDOC 95 Multimodal Transport Bill of Lading,issued in 1995338

Y)MULTIWAYBILL 95 Multimodal Transport Waybill,issued in 1995341

Z)CONLINEBOOKING 2000(BIMCO Liner Booking note)and343

AA)VOYLAYRULES 93(Voyage Charterparty Laytime Interpretation Rules 1993)345



第一章 导言365

第二章 国际买卖合同368

第一节 货物买卖概述368

第二节 国际货物买卖与国际贸易术语概览374

第三节 国际贸易术语:工厂交货378

第四节 完税交货379

第五节 国际贸易术语:成本,保险和运费379

第六节 国际贸易术语:船上交货388

第七节 标准合同与常用合同条款394

第八节 违约后果398

第九节 买方享有的救济404

第十节 卖方享有的救济407

第十一节 联合国国际货物买卖合同公约411

第十二节 复习与延伸阅读412

第三章 国际贸易支付414

第一节 概述414

第二节 汇票417

第三节 托收安排427

第四节 信用证430

第五节 备用证和保函439

第六节 福费廷与保理443

第七节 复习与延伸阅读445

第四章 运输合同447

第一节 简介447

第二节 海上货物运输(一)448

第三节 海上货物运输(二)464

第四节 航空和公路货物运输484

第五节 复习与延伸阅读488

第五章 海上货物保险489

第一节 概述489

第二节 签订保险合同491

第三节 保险险别的种类501

第四节 保险索赔508

第五节 复习与延伸阅读512

第六章 国际争端解决513

第一节 概述513

第二节 法院管辖权与判决515

第三节 作为替代性争端解决方式的仲裁527

第四节 准据法534

第五节 争端解决问题备忘录540

第六节 复习与延伸阅读541

第七章 更全面地分析问题543

第一节 概述543

第二节 案例分析1:钢梁买卖544

第三节 案例分析2:澳大利亚土著乐器买卖550
