

  • 刘念雄,秦佑国编著 著
  • 出版社: 北京:清华大学出版社
  • ISBN:7302102805
  • 出版时间:2005
  • 标注页数:358页
  • 文件大小:34MB
  • 文件页数:370页
  • 主题词:建筑-热环境-研究


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绪论 建筑热环境设计的目标:舒适、健康、高效 Aim at Comfort and Health and Efficiency of Indoor Environment1

第1部分 人·建筑·气候——基于人的考虑Part 1 Human·Building·Climate—Thinking of People7

1 人与建筑/Human and Building7

1.1 人的热舒适/Thermal Comfort7

1.1.1 生存/Survival7

1.1.2 热舒适/Thermal Comfort9

1.2 影响人体热舒适性的因素/Thermal Comfort Factors9

1.2.1 环境物理状况/Environmental Conditions9

1.2.2 个体差异/Individual Difference11

1.3 室内热舒适的量化表示及评价/Quantification and Evaluation of Indoor Thermal Comfort13

1.3.1 量化参数及测量/Parameter and Measurement15

1.3.2 热平衡方程/Thermal Balance Equation19

1.3.3 热舒适指数/Thermal Comfort Indices23

1.3.4 生物气候图/Bioclimatic Chart27

1.4 室内热环境设计指标/Index of Indoor Environment Design29

2 气候与建筑/Climate Oriented Building Design33

2.1 气候与微气候/Climate and Micro-climate37

2.1.1 气候分区/Climate Zones37

2.1.2 我国气候特征与区划/Climatic Character and Patterns of China41

2.1.3 大气温室效应/Atmospheric Greenhouse Effect45

2.1.4 微气候/Microclimate47

2.2 结合气候设计的要素/Elements of Climate53

2.2.1 太阳辐射/Solar Radiation55

2.2.2 空气温度/Air Temperature57

2.2.3 气压与风/Air Pressure and Wind61

2.2.4 空气湿度/Atmospheric Humidity67

2.2.5 凝结和降水/Precipitation69

2.3 结合气候的设计策略/Climate Oriented Design Strategies71

2.3.1 区域性气候建筑设计策略/Meso Climate Oriented Design Strategies71

2.3.2 微气候建筑设计策略/Microclimate Oriented Design Strategies77

2.3.3 传统方法与现代策略/Traditional and Modern Technology79

第2部分 材料·构造·围护结构——基于技术的考虑 Part Ⅱ Material·Structure·Envelope—Thinking of Technology107

3 传热学的基本概念和原理/Principles of Heat Transfer107

3.1 辐射与辐射换热/Radiation107

3.1.1 辐射的反射、吸收和透过/Reflection and Absorption and Transmission of Radiation107

3.1.2 辐射换热/Radiation and Heat Transfer111

3.2 对流与对流换热/Convection117

3.2.1 自然对流和受迫对流/Free Convection and Forced Convection119

3.2.2 表面对流换热/Convection and Heat Transfer119

3.3 导热与导热换热/Conduction and Heat Transfer121

3.3.1 导热/Conduction121

3.3.2 导热换热/Conduction and Heat Transfer121

4 建筑材料和构造的热工特性/Manipulating Building Materials125

4.1 导热系数和热阻/Thermal Conductivity and Resistivity125

4.2 蓄热系数和热惰性指标/Thermal Storage and Inertia Index127

4.3 绝热建筑材料与构造/Insulation Materials131

4.3.1 轻质成型材料及成品板材/Bulk Insulation Materials131

4.3.2 空气间层构造及空心砌体/Air Space Insulation Materials133

4.3.3 反射绝热材料与构造/Reflective Insulation Materials and Construction135

5 建筑围护结构热工设计原理/Design Principles of Building Envelope137

5.1 保温设计原理/Design Principles of Winter Insulation137

5.1.1 围护结构传热过程和传热量/Heat Transfer Process and Heat Flow137

5.1.2 围护结构的传热系数和传热阻/Heat Transfer Coefficient and Resistivity141

5.1.3 围护结构内表面及内部温度/Surface Temperature and Inner Temperature143

5.2 隔热设计原理/Design Principles of Summer Insulation145

5.2.1 围护结构隔热过程和室外综合温度/Sol-air Temperature145

5.2.2 围护结构的衰减倍数和延迟时间/Thermal Amplitude Decrement and Time Lag147

5.2.3 围护结构内表面最高温度/Maximum Interior Surface Temperature149

5.3 防潮设计原理/Design Principle of Dampproof153

5.3.1 围护结构的热湿现象/Vapor Penetration and Condensation153

5.3.2 围护结构内表面结露及防止/Control of Internal Condensation153

5.3.3 围护结构内部蒸汽渗透/Vapor Penetration155

5.3.4 围护结构内部冷凝的判别/Condensation Inside Walls157

5.4 通风设计原理/Design Principle of Ventilation159

5.4.1 建筑通风的功能/Functions of Ventilation159

5.4.2 建筑自然通风的物理机理/Mechanisms of Ventilation163

5.4.3 建筑通风设计/Design for Building Ventilation165

5.4.4 建筑防风/Windbreak175

第3部分 建筑·形式·细部——基于设计的考虑 Part Ⅲ Building·Shape·Detail—Thinking of Design183

6 建筑设计措施/Manipulating Building Design for Energy Efficiency183

6.1 防寒设计综合措施/Integrated Design Methods for Energy Efficiency in Winter183

6.1.1 建筑失热与得热——体形与朝向/Orientation and Shape of Building185

6.1.2 建筑保温——热阻/Insulation and Thermal Resistance187

6.1.3 建筑气密性——冷风渗透/Air-lock189

6.1.4 保温层设置和热桥/Layout of Insulation Materials and Thermal Bridge191

6.2 防热设计综合措施/Integrated Design Methods for Energy Efficiency in Summer191

6.2.1 建筑得热——体形与朝向/Orientation and Shape of Building193

6.2.2 建筑隔热——围护结构热惰性/Insulation and Mass195

6.2.3 建筑散热——自然降温/Natural Cooling195

6.2.4 隔热层设置/Layout of Insulation Materials197

7 围护结构节能设计/Manipulating Envelope and Fenestration199

7.1 墙体/Walls199

7.1.1 保温外墙体/Insulated Wall201

7.1.2 玻璃幕墙/Glazing Wall205

7.1.3 特隆布墙/Trombe Wall207

7.1.4 透明绝热墙/Transparent Insulated Wall207

7.1.5 双层玻璃幕墙/Double Glazing Wall213

7.1.6 绿化墙体/Plant Wall213

7.2 门窗/Doors and Windows215

7.2.1 保温门窗/Insulated Doors and Windows215

7.2.2 窗用玻璃/Glazing217

7.2.3 窗用薄膜/Membrane221

7.2.4 绝热窗框/Insulation Frame223

7.2.5 玻璃百叶调光窗户/Shutter223

7.2.6 节能窗帘/Curtains223

7.3 屋顶/Roofs223

7.3.1 保温屋顶/Insulated Roofs225

7.3.2 种植屋面/Roof Plants225

7.3.3 蓄水屋面/Roof Ponds227

7.3.4 通风屋顶和架空屋顶/Shaded Roof Terraces227

7.4 楼地面/Floors227

7.4.1 地面保温/Insulated Floors233

7.4.2 低温辐射采暖地板/Radiation Heating Floor233

7.5 阳光间/Sun Space233

7.6 中庭空间/Atrium235

第4部分 舒适·健康·高效——基于未来的考虑 Part Ⅳ Comfort·Health·Efficiency—Thinking of Future239

8 太阳与建筑/Sun and Building239

8.1 太阳运行规律/Sun Path and Sun Control239

8.1.1 太阳位置计算方法/Calculation of Sun Path239

8.1.2 日照图表及其应用/Sun Path Diagram245

8.2 建筑日照/Sun Shining247

8.2.1 日照间距的计算/Space Between Buildings for Sun Shining249

8.2.2 日照间距与建筑布局/Building Arrangement and Sun Shining249

8.3 建筑遮阳/Solar Shading Devices251

8.3.1 建筑遮阳方式/Solar Shading Devices Types251

8.3.2 遮阳构件计算/Calculating of Solar Shading Devices257

8.3.3 遮阳与隔热、采光和通风/Insulation and Daylighting and Ventilation for Solar Shading Devices259

8.3.4 现代遮阳构件/Advanced Solar Shading Devices263

8.4 太阳能利用/Solar Energy Utilization265

8.4.1 太阳能转换技术/Solar Energy Collection Technology267

8.4.2 太阳能建筑/Solar Building269

8.5 建筑物自然冷却/Passive Cooling283

8.5.1 外逸长波辐射降温/Cooling by Outgoing Longwave Radiation285

8.5.2 自然通风和夜间通风降温/Cooling by Natural Ventilation and Night Flush285

8.5.3 蒸发冷却/Cooling by Evaporation287

8.5.4 土壤供冷/Cooling by Earth291

8.6 建筑的自然通风/Natural Ventilation291

8.6.1 自然通风与空气质量/Natural Ventilation and IAQ293

8.6.2 自然通风的形式/Types of Natural Ventilation293

8.6.3 建筑自然通风间层/Air Circulation Space297

9 建筑与能源/Building and Energy299

9.1 建筑能耗/Building Energy Consumption299

9.1.1 我国建筑能耗状况/Building Energy Consumption in China299

9.1.2 国内外建筑能耗比较/Building Energy Consumption Comparison among Countries301

9.1.3 建筑节能的必要/Energy Conservation Situation305

9.2 建筑节能标准和立法/Design Standards and Laws for Energy Efficiency in Building307

9.2.1 建筑节能政策与管理/Policy and Management309

9.2.2 居住建筑节能设计标准/Design Standards for Energy Efficiency in Residential Buildings315

9.3 节能建筑/Energy Conservation Building325

9.3.1 优化能源利用/Optimizing Energy Utilization327

9.3.2 被动式低能耗建筑/Passive Low Energy Architecture331

10 可持续发展的建筑观/Sustainable Building View337

10.1 建筑与自然关系简史/A Brief History of Building and Nature337

10.2 不可持续的建筑/Unsustainable Building339

10.3 可持续的建筑/Sustainable Building341

10.3.1 生态建筑与城市/Ecological Architecture and City345

10.3.2 绿色建筑/Green Architecture347

10.3.3 生态住区与住宅/Ecological Community and House349

10.3.4 绿色建筑技术评估体系/Green Building Rating System351

10.4 舒适+健康+高效/Comfort+Health+Efficiency353

10.4.1 舒适≠健康/Comfort≠Health353

10.4.2 营造健康的室内热环境/Healthy Indoor Environment355

