

  • 翁慰宝编著 著
  • 出版社: 上海:同济大学出版社
  • ISBN:7560820735
  • 出版时间:1999
  • 标注页数:403页
  • 文件大小:10MB
  • 文件页数:408页
  • 主题词:


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CHAPTER 1 format of A Secretarial Letter文秘信函的格式1

1.1 Format格式1

(1)The Letter-Head信头1

(2)The Date日期3

(3)The Inside Name Address信内人中,公司名称和地址4

(4)The Salutation称呼6

(5)The Boby正文7

(6)The Complimrntary Closing结尾用语10

(7)the Signature and Title签名和头衔11

1.2 Miscellanrous Matters其它事项11

(1)Subject Line标题行11

(2)Typist;s Initials打字员姓名缩写12


(4) Copies复印件13

(5) Indented Letter Sty and Block letter Style(打印格式)混合式与平头式13

(6) Some SPecial Letter Style一些特殊格式15


New Words and Notes生词和注释21

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识24


CHAPTER 2 Appointments,Invtations,and Hodpitality约会、邀请和款待30

2.1 The Making of Appintments约会30

2.2 Hospitality款待33

New Words and Notes生词和注释34

Form8.7 Agreement to Cancel Lease取消租约协议书36

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识36


CHAPTER 3 hote and Trave 住宿与旅行38

3.1 Letters to and from Hotels与旅馆往来的信函38

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识39

3.2 Ship and plane Reservations预定船票和飞机票42

New Words and Notes生词和注释44

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识45


4.1 Welcoming a New or Potential Customer to the Community欢迎新客户或有潜力的客户来本社区47

CHAPTER 4 Letters for Better Customer Relations建立良好客户关系的信函47

4.2 Welcoming a New Customer to Your Business欢迎新客户加入公司业务50

4.3 Holiday Greetings节假日贺辞52

4.4 Appreciation for a Good Business Suggestion欢迎业务上的好建议54

4.5 Appreciation for a Business You Did Not Inplement对娄务上未采纳的建议表示赞赏57

4.6 Appreciation for a Favour感谢相助59

4.7 Appreciation for a receipt of a Letter确认收到来信61

4.8 Appreciation for a Complimentaryy Letter about an Employee感谢雇员的称赞信63

4.9 Adjustment Made调整66

4.10 Adjuetment Denied拒绝调整68

4.11 Thanks for a Difficult Job Done Well感谢出色地完成了一项困难的任务71

4.12 General Thank -You Letter一般致谢信73

4.14 Appreciation for an Employee雇员纪念日78

4.13 Letter of Apoloyee致歉信78

4.15 Appreciation for a Fim公司纪念日80

4.16 Apology for an Employee s Attude or Action对雇员的态度或行为致歉82

New Words and Notes生词和注释85

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识88


CHAPTER 5 General Letters一般信函90

5.1 Letters of Introduction介绍信90

5.2 Letter of Recommendation推荐信93

5.3 Letters of Solicitation for a Good Cause对做善事的请求信96

New Words and Notes生词和注释99


Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识101

CHARTER 6 Sales Letters销售函103

6.1 General Sales Letters一般销售函103

6.2 Sales Letters to an Inactive Customer致交易少的客户的销售函106

6.3 Introduction to aRequest for demonstration or Interview介绍要求演示或会面的信函108

6.4 Folllow-up after a demonstration or Interview演示或会见之后和续发函111

6.5 A General Morale Builder for Salespeople激励营销的员士气的一般信函113

6.6 Introduving a New Salesperson介绍新销售人员的信函115

6.7 Answering a Request for Information对询问信息的覆函118

6.8 Follow-up Sales Letter补充推销函120

6.9 Stay-in-touch Letter保持联系函122

6.10 When a Customer has Been Promoted or Has Changed Jobs客房晋升或工作变动量的贺函125

6.11 When a Customer is Illed or Injured对生病或受伤客户的问候函127

6.12 When There Is a death in a Customer s Family致客户的吊唁函129

6.13 When Something Good Happens in a Customer s Life致客户的贺喜函131

6.14 When you Read about a Customer当报刊杂志上登载客房信息时,致客户函133

New Words and Notes生词和注释135


CHAPTER 7 Credit and Collection Letters信贷函和催款函141

7.1 Credit Inquiry Letter信贷查询函141

7.2 Granting Credit允诺信贷函143

7.3 Denying Credit拒绝信贷函145

7.4 Inviting an Account邀请开账户函147

7.5 Collection Letters催款函149

7.6 Letter of Crefit delinquency催讨久拖信贷债务函153

7.7 Apology for a Collection Letter Sent in Error对错发催款函的致歉函154

7.8 Collection Letter to an Old Customer致老客户的催款函156

New Words and Notes生词和注释158

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识159


CHAPTER 8 Letters for Special Occasions特殊场合的信函161

8.1 Accepting an Invitation接受邀请函161

8.2 Declining an Unvitation谢绝邀请函163

8.3 Letter of Compliment祝贺信函165

8.4 Requesting Permission to Use Copytighted material要求允许使用的版权的材料信函167

8.5 Letter of Praise to an Outsude Firm赞颂外公司的信函170

8.6 Letter to a Pubic Offcial致政府官员的信函172

New Words and Notes生词和注释175

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识177


CHAPTER 9 Letters for Better Community Relations改善社区关系的来往信函179

9.1 accepting an Invitation接受邀请函179

9.2 Contribution to a Charitable Cause损助慈善事业的信函182

9.3 Refusing to Contribute to a Charitable Cause拒绝捐助慈善事业的信函184

9.4 Request for Zoning Modrfication要求改变分共的信函186

9.5 Invitation to a Reception邀请参加招待会的信函188

New Words and Notes生词和注释190

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识191


10.1 Welcome ti a New Employee欢迎亲雇员函193

CHAPTER 10 Letters to Employees致雇员的信函193

10.2 Congratulations on a Promotion祝贺晋升函196

10.3 Condolence or Sympathy唁函或慰问函198

10.4 Thank for an Employee Suggestion对雇员建议的致谢函200

10.5 New Company Direction公司新动向的说明函203

10.6 Company Recoganization就公司重组的说明函205

10.7 Increased Benefits就增加福利所致的信函208

New Words and Notes生词和注释211

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识213


11.1 Correcting Misstatements about Your Company纠正对公司错误报导的信函215

CHAPTER 11 Letters to the Media致媒体的信函215

11.2 Supporting a Position对媒体立场院的支持函218

11.3 demanding a Retraction要求撤回函220

New Words and Notes生词和注释222

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识224


CHAPTER 12 Financial Letters金融信函226

12.1 Banking Letters 银行业务信函226

12.2 Credit Bureaus致信誉调查机构的信函228

12.3 Tinancial Institutions致金融机构的信函230

12.4 To Creditors or Debtors致债权人或债务人的信函233

12.5 Investments投资信函235

New Words and Notes生词和注释237


CHAPTER 13 Letters about Services and Products就各种服务和产品所发的信函241

13.1 Asking for Information索求信息函241

13.2 Asking for Bids or Estimates索求报价或估价函244

13.3 Plaving an Order订购函246

13.4 Rejecting A Bid拒绝报价函248

13.5 Letter of Complaint投拆函251

13.6 letter of Compliment赞扬函253

New Words and Notes生词和注释255

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识256


CHAPTER 14 Telegrams,Telexes and Faxes电报,电传和传真259

14.1 Telegrams电报259

New Words and Notes生词和注释260

14.2 Telexes and Faxes电传和传真260

New Words and Notes生词和注释263

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识264


CHAPTER 15 Businrss Letters and Electtonic Word Processing商务函与电子文字处理266

15.1 Format格式266

15.2 Spelling Verfication拼写检查266

15.3 Boilerplate or Stored Paragraphs”“模板”或储存段落267

15.4 List Processing列表处理267

15.5 Copy features复制特性268

15.6 Mathematical Featuers数学特性268

Tables and Columns表格和栏目268

Reports That Repeat Data重复数据的报告268

File Copies文件拷贝268

Form9.1 Assignment with Warranties带担保的转让证书269

Improved Communications改进型函电269

frequent Letters通函269

Diskette Maintennance软盘维修269

Broadening the Knowledge of International Business affdirs拓宽国际商务知识270


Form1.1 Proposal to Buy a Business购买商行建议书275

Form1.2 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Business Assets (With Full Warranties)商行资产买卖协议书(含全保证)276

Form1.3 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Business Assets (With Linmited Warranties)商行资产买卖协议书(含有限保证)280

Form1.4 Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Shares股票买卖协议书284

Form1.5 Partnership Agreement合股协议书289

Form1.6 Joint venture Agreement合资协议书292

Form1.7 Partnership Agreement Checklist合股协议书清单296

Form1.8 Distribution Agreement批发销售协议书299

Form1.9 ommission Sales Agreement佣金销售协议书302

Form1.10 Business Plan Checklist交易计划清单305


Form2.1 Engagement of Services服务承诺书309

Form2.2 Engagement of Another ;s Services接受服务承诺书310

Form2.3 Independent Contractor Agreement独立承包人协议书311

Form2.4 Authorized Extras认可的额外工作议定书312

Form3.1 Rejecting Employment Application拒绝雇佣申请313


Form2.5 Change Work Order改变工作顺序议定书313

Form3.2 Confirming Employment Terms确认雇件条款314

Form3.3 Employment Agreement雇佣协议书316

Form3.4 Employee Warning Notice对雇员警告通知318

Form3.5 Employee Dismissal Notice雇员免职通知319

Form3.6 Employee Convenants;Secrecy/Non-Competition雇员承诺;保密和非竞争320

Form3.8 Employee Invention convenant雇员发胆承诺321

Form3.7 Employee Convenant: Expense Recovery雇员承诺:认缴费用321


Form4.1 Invitation to Quote Price of Goods邀请报价322

Form4.2 Demand for Delivery of Goods请求装运323

Form4.3 Canaellation of Purchase Order for Late Delivery取消未及时发货的定单324

Form4.4 Rejection of Non-Conforming Goods拒绝款确认货物325

Form4.5 Partial Rejection of Non-Conforming Goods部份拒绝未确认货物326

Form4.6 Request for Instruction to Return Rejected Goods 要求对退回被拒货物的指示327

Form4.7 Conditional Acceptance Of Non-Conforming Goods有条件地接受未确认货物327

Form4.8 Election to Return goods on Approval选择退回确认货物328

Form4.9 Conditional Payment for Goods Reserving Rights有条件地支付保留权利的货物329

Form4.10 Notice of Defective Goods通知货物有问题329

Form4.11 Stop Payment of Cheque停止用支票付款330

Form5.1 Bill of Sale销售合同331


Form5.2 Bill of Sale (Without Warrranties)销售合同(无担保)332

Form5.3 Bill of Sale (With Encumbrances)销售合同(有抵押)333

Form5.5 Demand for Particulars of Rejection of Goods要地注相告受拒货物细节334

Form5.4 Receipt for Goods收到货物334

Form5.6 Refusal of Rejection of Goods拒绝货物受拒335

Form5.7 Delivery of Substituted Goods装运替代货物335

Form5.8 Rejected Goods Return Instructions受拒货物退回指令336

Form5.9 Replacing Rejected Goods更换受拒货物337

Form5.10 Inability to Fill Purchase Orther不能满足订货338

Form5.11 Late Delivery of Goods延缓装运338

Form5.12 Liability Exckusion Clause非责任条款339

Form5.13 Limited Warrenty有限保证书339


Form6.1 Request for Payment要求付款340

Form6.2 Second Repuest for Payment第二次要求付款341

Form6.3 Final Demand for Payment最后请求付款341

Form6.4 Bad Cheque letter空头支票函342

Form6.5 Installment Payment Agreement分期付款协议书343

Form6.7 Collection Instructions to Lawyers致律师的催款指令344

Form6.6 Receipt for Payment收到付款344

Form6.8 Notice of Disputed Account通知有争议账目345

Form6.9 Settlement Offer of Disputed Account对有争议账目的清账建议346

Form6.10 Agreement to Compromise Disputed Account互让解决有争议账目的协议书347


Form7.1 Personal Crefit Application个人信用借款申请书348

Form7.2 Authority to Release Credit Information授权发表信用贷款信息350

Form7.3 Demand Promissory Note即期期票350

Form7.4 Joint and Several Demand Promissory Note一起支付的即期期票351

Form7.5 Due Date Promissory Note到期期票351

Form7.6 Series Form Promissory Note系列式期票352

Form7.7 Periodic for Payment on Demand Promissory Note定期支付期票352

Form7.8 Demand for Payment on Demand Promissory Note要求以即期期票付款353

Form7.9 Payment in Full Demand on Promissory Note要求完全按分期期票方式支付354

Form7.10 Installment Payment Demand On Promissory Note要求期票分期支持355

Form7.11 Guarantee 保证书355

Form7.12 Demand for Payment on Guarantee要求担保支付356


Form8.1 Commercial Lease商务租约357

Form8.2 Exercising Option to Renew Lease行使续约权360

Form8.3 Notce of Rent Default通知拖欠租金361

Form8.4 Notice of Other Lease Default通知其它租赁拖欠362

Form8.5 Land lord Notice of Termination of Lease业主通知中止租约363

Form8.6 Tenant Notice of Termination of Lease承租人通知中止租约363

Form8.8 Assignment of Lease 转让租约366

Form8.9 Amendment of Lease 修改租约366

Form8.10 Commercial Sublease商务转租367

Form9.2 Assignment without Warranties不带担保的转让证书369


Form9.3 Assignment of Money Due到期钱款的转让证书370

Form9.4 Assignment of Real Estate Contract不动产合同转让证书371

Form9.5 Assignment of Contract 合同转让证书371

Form9.6 Assignment of Copytight版权转让证书372

Form9.7 Notice of Assignment通知转让373

Form9.8 Cheque Endorsements支票背书373


Form10.1 Unilateral Release of Liabbilty单方责任租约374

Form10.2 Mutual Release of Liability双方责任租约375

Form10.3 Trade Secert Non-Disclosure Assignment商业秘密非泄露协议书375

Form10.4 declaration of Trust委托书376


List11.1 Some Common Abbreviations and Combinations Used in Telegrams电报中使用的一般缩语和复合语377

List11.2 Country and City Identification Codes 国家和城市识别代码379

List11.3 Abbreviations and simplified words Commonly uesd in or far messages电传和传真中常用的缩语和简化语385
