

  • 吴宜灿编著 著
  • 出版社: 中国原子能出版社
  • ISBN:9787502277505
  • 出版时间:2016
  • 标注页数:656页
  • 文件大小:273MB
  • 文件页数:664页
  • 主题词:核能-安全-研究


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Identification of Safety Gaps for Fusion Demonstration Reactors10


Public Acceptance of Constructing Coastal/Inland Nuclear Power Plants in Post-Fukushima China44



1 方法学79


CAD-based Monte Carlo Program for Integrated Simulation of Nuclear System SuperMC91

CAD-based Interface Programs for Fusion Neutron Transport Simulation108

A Discrete Ordinates Nodal Method for One-Dimensional Neutron Transport Numerical Calculation in Curvilinear Geometries119






Development of Reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment Program RiskA180




2 概率安全评价229

Development and Application of a Risk Monitor for Nuclear Power Plant229


Architecture and Design of Third Qinshan Nuclear Power Plant Risk Monitor247

A Nuclear Power Plant Risk Monitor Based on Cloud Computing254

Risk Monitor RiskAngel for Risk-informed Applications in Nuclear Power Plants262

Development and Validation of Instantaneous Risk Model in Nuclear Power Plant’s Risk Monitor275

Fault-tree-based Instantaneous Risk Computing Core in Nuclear Power Plant Risk Monitor282

A Variable Ordering Heuristic based on Zero-Suppressed Binary Decision Diagrams298

Verification of RiskA Calculation Engine Based on Open-PSA Platform306

A Parallel Manipulation Method for Zero-suppressed Binary Decision Diagram314

Processing of Switching Events Sets in Reliability and Probabilistic Safety Assessment Program RiskA320

A New Decomposition Algorithm for Complex Voting Gates Processing in Qualitative Fault Tree Analysis327

Asymmetrical Common-Cause Failures Analysis Method Applied in Fusion Reactors339

Efficient Reduction and Modularization for Large Fault Trees Stored by Pages353

Preliminary Cost Assessment and Compare of China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor362

3 事故分析375

Benchmark of Neutronics and Thermal-hydraulics Coupled Simulation Program NTC on Beam Interruptions in XADS375

Verification of Neutronics and Thermal-hydraulics Coupled Simulation Program NTC by the PDS-XADS Transient Simulation384

Transient Analyses on Loss of Heat Sink and Overpower Transient of Natural Circulation LBE-cooled Fast Reactor400

Comparison of transient analysis of LBE-cooled Fast Reactor and ADS under Loss of Heat Sink Accident414

Preliminary Investigation on the Primary Heat Exchanger Lower Head Rupture Accident of Forced Circulation LBE-cooled Fast Reactor427

Thermal and Stress Analysis of Window Target for Accelerator-driven Sub-critical System During Beam Trip Transients439

Development and Testing of Multi-group Library with Correction of Self-shielding Effects in Fusion-fission Hybrid Reactor452

Assessment of RVACS Performance for Small Size Lead-cooled Fast Reactor460


1 聚变堆应用479

Neutronics Safety Analysis in Severe Transients of the Dual-cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS-Ⅰ479

Preliminary Transient Thermal Analysis for Safety of the Dual-cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS-Ⅰ487

Probabilistic Safety Assessment of the Dual-cooled Waste Transmutation Blanket for the FDS-Ⅰ494

Tritium Safety Assessment on High Temperature Liquid Blanket for Fusion-Based Hydrogen Production Reactor FDS-Ⅲ501


Preliminary Leakage Reliability Analysis of DFLL-TBM based on a Combinational Approach522

Selection of Bounding Events for ITER DFLL-TBM Safety Analysis530

Failure Modes and Effects Analysis on ITER DFLL-TBM System538

Preliminary RAMI Analysis of DFLL TBS for ITER545

Preliminary Tritium Safety Analysis on China DFLL-TBM for ITER556

Reliability Data Analysis for Tritium Extraction System Pipes of CN HCCB TBM565

2 裂变堆应用579

Preliminary Safety Analysis of China Lead Alloy Cooled Research Reactor CLEAR-Ⅰ579

Preliminary Simulation of Fuel Dispersion in a Lead-Bismuth Eutectic(LBE)-cooled Research Reactor590

Preliminary Source Term and Consequence Assessment of Primary Cover Gas Leakage Accident for CLEAR-Ⅰ603

Preliminary Radioactive Source Term Analysis for Normal Operation of CLEAR-Ⅰ614

Preliminary Analysis of Source Terra for Primary Coolant System of China Lead-based Research Reactor(CLEAR-Ⅰ)620

Preliminary Analysis of Polonium-210 Contamination for China LEAd-based Research Reactor626

Fuel Cladding Integrity Analysis During Beam Trip Transient for China Lead-based Demonstration Reactor635

